Cancellation Policy
You have the option to cancel your order either by contacting our customer care team or through your user account on our website. However, please note the following conditions:
Cancellation Deadline: To cancel your order, please contact us as soon as possible with your order number. Alternatively, you can cancel the order directly through your user account on our website.
Order Dispatch: Orders are typically packed and dispatched promptly. To ensure successful cancellation, please cancel your order before it is dispatched. Orders are usually dispatched the morning after they are placed.
Cancellation After Dispatch: Once the order has been dispatched, we may not be able to process the cancellation request. In such cases, you may still return the order according to our return policy.
Contact Us
If you need assistance with cancelling your order or have any questions regarding our cancellation policy, please reach out to our customer care team at with your order number.